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Engaging Reading Resources 

Starter Library

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Beginner Library

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  Free Sample Pages! Click images for free access area! 

Teachers take back your free time!


Access Free Download Page! Click here

9 complete texts with activities to trial. You won't get a better deal anywhere!

Want more?

Also included is an MP4 to trial because with each library comes an audio version of the text as well.

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Work Smarter
Not Harder!

Individualise and Differentiate
with ease 


The "How to" is Your Choice: 
Use as Printable PDF's, download on phone or laptop
 ready for Classroom use
or simply utilise your Smart TV / Interactive Board

Engaging Digital PDF Readers

Curriculum based activities

Trial 2Dabble now with no obligation.

9 complete texts and activities absolutely free!

Language              Literature              Literacy

3 key literacy strands covered by

  5 curriculum based activities with each story
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Each 2Dabble text follows and promotes the following language and literacy outcomes:

1. Comprehension questions- Each text follows the QAR model.
Level 1   "Right there: In the book"
Level 2  "Think, search & find: In the book"
Level 3  "Author and me: In my head"
Level 4  "On my own: In my head"

2. Writing Challenge- Each text contains a different writing challenge

that is associated with the text.

Text genres include: Persuasive texts, narratives, report writing,

research reports, recounts and articles.

3. The remaining 3 tasks attached to each text can vary

but focus heavily on the following:

>Vocabulary & oral language

>Visual interpretation
>Critical & creative thinking

 Trial 2Dabble today with

9 complete texts and

activities absolutely free

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