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Curriculum based activities
Trial 2Dabble now with no obligation.
9 complete texts and activities absolutely free!
Language Literature Literacy
3 key literacy strands covered by
5 curriculum based activities with each story
Each 2Dabble text follows and promotes the following language and literacy outcomes:
1. Comprehension questions- Each text follows the QAR model.
Level 1 "Right there: In the book"
Level 2 "Think, search & find: In the book"
Level 3 "Author and me: In my head"
Level 4 "On my own: In my head"
2. Writing Challenge- Each text contains a different writing challenge
that is associated with the text.
Text genres include: Persuasive texts, narratives, report writing,
research reports, recounts and articles.
3. The remaining 3 tasks attached to each text can vary
but focus heavily on the following:
>Vocabulary & oral language
>Visual interpretation
>Critical & creative thinking
Trial 2Dabble today with
9 complete texts and
activities absolutely free